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Here is the info pertaining to Freight Rail:
- Requires the federal Department of Transportation (DOT) rescind any special permit or approval for the transport of liquified natural gas (LNG) by rail tank car issued before the date of enactment. Also prohibits DOT regulations on the transport of LNG by rail tank car from taking effect until DOT conducts a further safety evaluation. Directs the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) to initiate an evaluation of the safety, security, and environmental risks of transporting LNG by rail.
- Improves rail safety by addressing highway-rail grade crossing needs.
- Requires a study on the effects of long trains.
- Requires FRA to increase its roster of rail safety inspectors by 20 percent.
- Requires FRA to collect data on train length and crew size when an accident occurs.
- Requires the creation of a standardized FRA safety investigation process.
- Requires FRA to engage in a public process before granting waivers from, or suspensions of, railroad safety standards and regulations.
- Creates a federal blocked crossing program to collect data and enforce a 10-minute blocked crossing limit.
- Has a two-person crew freight train mandate that, like the 2020 bill, has some exemptions for short lines and train length. These are:
- The train operations are not on a main line.
- The train does not exceed a maximum speed of 25 mph on territory with an average track grade of less than 2% for any segment of track that is at least two continuous miles.
- The locomotives are performing assistance to a train that has incurred mechanical failure or lacks the power to traverse difficult terrain, including to or from the location where assistance is provided.
- The locomotives are not attached to any equipment (except a caboose) and do not travel further than 30 miles from a rail yard.
- A location where one-person operations were being utilized one year prior to the date of enactment of this bill, only if the DOT Secretary determines that the operation achieves an equivalent level of safety.
Short-line exception
In addition to the above, a train may be operated with a reduced crew, if the carrier has fewer than 400,000 total employee work hours annually and an annual revenue of less than $20,000,000.A train must be operated by a two-person crew (no exception), if:
- It is transporting one or more loaded cares carrying material toxic by inhalation.
- It is carrying 20 or more loaded tank cars of a Class 2 material or a Class 3 flammable liquid in a continuous block.
- It has 35 or more loaded tank cars of a Class 2 material or a Class 3 flammable liquid throughout its consist.
- It is 7,500 feet in length or longer.
- Has a cross-border provision for the southern border of the U.S.
- Makes yardmaster employees subject to FRA’s hours of service protections.
- Directs the FRA to take such actions as are necessary to ensure that certain older air brake control valves are phased out on rail cars operating in cold regions of the United States, an issue brought to light by SMART-TD leadership in 2019.
- Directs the DOT to require railroad carriers to regularly report on failures of positive train control (PTC) systems.
- Directs the Secretary of Transportation to issue a final rule on fatigue management plans within one year.